Not to be negative but,
Do you just draw family guy characters? Because thats all I really saw was a Seth McFarlane look with some repetitive action. What would make me more excited for this film, is some more dynamic angles, or large pan and scan shots of Rocky and Rambo taking on a whole army of Stormtroopers. Just a thought. I mean, I haven't completed but one animation, but I don't want to submit anymore because I think they'll be just as simplistic as this one but I have my own style. I don't mean to come down hard on you, but you just caught me a weird moment. Its not really your animation alone that I'm commenting on. Its more to do with the amount of simple animation that through this site hourly. Then I guess thats why theres a ranking system installed in teh first place. Pretty much I guess I'm ranting and I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression about my review when I'm really just attempting to be constructive. Develop more of your own art style, and use more complex animation. I'm aware that this is a one week effort but what you're showing us is simply two simple motion tweens and some moving text. A single angle shot of the Millenium Falcon with nothing else or any other angles. Then two characters fighting two characters with the same exact features. Since when has a movie with twins really been that good? All in all I'm saying you are at a good starting point and you
re working towards something and thats good. I would personally love some crow and see a completed version of this as long as it is original and seems to have some actual work put into it. I just don't think many good animations come out of a weeks worth of work. Consider shadows on characters. Especially, if you use the same angles. Also consider that animator for every single item might not be your speciality. Focus on wht your strong at or really enjoy and get that perfected. I'd personally like to see crews formed just like in a real animation with people focusing on what they excel at and towards a common goal.
Yes, it takes some serious organizational skills, but it would be a different kind of collab. So focus on what you're good at and build on that. Not for just a week but many weeks and as many ideas as you can pump out whether you like them or not. Sorry if this review came off sounding condescending, I didn't intend it so, and maybe I'm stepping out of my bounds here, but I felt honesty as an aspiring animator rather than a lazy discourse would me more constructive. And yes, run on sentences are fun.